
The project involves the implementation of several stage activities aimed at the development of the tourism product produced from the region's potential anthropogenic and natural assets of the county Sokolowski. An important element is also its complementarity to measure 6.1 "Culture" ROP, as the results of the project will contribute to cultivating Polishness, and the development of national consciousness in history, art, technology and military architecture, as well as increase the cultural identity of the inhabitants of the district Sokolowski.

Information provided in the study are truthful and based on official documents of strategic, financial and studies related to the representation of the subject and in accordance with the program documents, EU policies and national legislation. This document indicates the optimal scope of the project realized with good technical solutions and demonstrate the legitimacy of investments in financial, institutional, legal and environmental.

It is designed by Excite Polonia Foundation which was part of the private collection started building a collection of military vehicles (in subsequent years expanded by armored vehicles and artillery).

The Foundation was established by the founder: Mariusz Murawski on 5 February 2014, notarial deed drawn up by a Notary Public Notary Office Replin Anna Anna Replin based in Sokolow Podlaski, ul. Curie 14 lok. 74, Repetitory A No. 323/2014 and a notarial deed annex to the establishment of the Foundation, Repetitory A No. 563/2014.

The Foundation operates under the Act of 6 April 1984. Foundations (Dz. U. of 1984., No. 21, poz.97 as amended.), the Act of 24 April 2003 on public benefit and volunteering (Dz. U. No. 96 item. 873, as amended. d.

The Foundation has legal personality and as the applicant is entitled to apply under this competition is apolitical and is not connected with any religion.

The Foundation was established in early 2014 to secure the objects of the former military units which underwent after the liquidation of the devastation and the search and the renovation of historical exhibits from the time I and World War II. The Foundation has set up a museum that took in the collection of exhibits related to regional history and the military. In parallel, carries out activities to popularize the history and integrate the local community - organizes exhibitions, meetings of military enthusiasts, history, travelers. Despite the short period of operation, the Foundation may boast in cooperation with the Polish Army Museum. Thanks to extensive resources Foundation has decided to promote the municipality Bielany and attract to the area a new group of tourists associated with the so-called. military tourism, which in Poland is at once more supporters from both home and abroad.

The Resource Foundation consists of military and military aviation documents for military equipment, photographs, and other documents and memorabilia related to military history. All exhibits were previously owned by Mr. Mariusz Murawski, who brought them to the resources of those institutions in order to promote its related activities.

in accordance with the statutory objectives for the tasks of the Foundation include efforts to:

  • improve the historical consciousness of society, educating the young generation in the spirit of patriotism, nurture and transmit to the young generation the history of independence,
  • promote and develop the idea of ​​a free and solidary society,
  • the collection and protection of historical objects and archival resources
  • research, development and publishing documents, memoirs and testimonies and popularization, knowledge of history,
  • the collection and protection of monuments,
  • support the museum
  • support Podlaski Museum of Military Technology and Consumer Bielany mustache
  • promote the movement of collectors and rekonstruktorskiego
  • rescue and civil protection, fire protection and public order and security state
  • liquidation of consequences of natural disasters and other threats and help their victims.
  • raising environmental awareness and environmental attitudes of society by promoting the principles of sustainable development,
  • promote the natural values ​​of the region,
  • recover and protect missing, hidden, stolen or abandoned monuments
  • assist other entities in the implementation of the statutory objectives of the Foundation
  • promote the Volunteer Fire Brigades.

Results of the project will be directed to the following groups (the recipient of the program of cultural and educational offer of the Museum):

  • Children under the age of early (accompanied by an adult and a psychologist)
  • a group of junior high school students and high school students - young people tour the museum with a guide
  • students, university students and PhD students - special classes and lectures themed
  • teachers - seminars, conferences and training for teachers
  • senior
  • professional historians and amateurs of history
  • conference guests, business and participants of events organized by friendly parties
  • Warsaw residents, including families with children in preschool
  • domestic and foreign tourists.
  • polonia
  • militarystyką interested parties (organized groups of visitors from home and abroad)

The project of its size and range of the receiver will become an important element of protection "living monument of history" for the purposes of tourism and culture, and the future has a chance to become an important center of animation, promotion and implementation of tourism events and cultural activities for the local community, the region and also for tourists from zagranicy.Budowa together with cooperators offer will be available for most of the year.

The applicant realizes this project individually, based on their own administrative and technical staff, with the support of experts employed for the duration of the project, as well as substantive assistance from the suppliers who have expressed their willingness to cooperate in the implementation of this project.

The project will be implemented in cooperation with Podlaski Museum of Military Technology and Consumer Bielany mustache, Polish Army Museum, the Museum of Arms and Technology Use in Kobylka, Armory Museum in Liwa, the Foundation exhibit. The result of the project will be to create a common programming based on key factors as they are natural, cultural and historical.

The project will have the following components of tourism:

  1. swimming pool and an ice rink in winter
  2. prepare a common guide
  3. tourist information
  4. prepare a common portal
  5. rides and other historic vehicles
  6. the development of natural and historical trail
  7. archery, paintball
  8. common organization of picnics and festivals
  9. Ticket joint offer cooperators

In addition, the result of joint activities with the cooperating parties will be invited to design the museum military organization - a team of military collections and education in the field of education and patriotic-cultural

The main objective of the project is to increase the tourist attractiveness of the municipality of Bielany through development of tourism - recreation based on historical potential associated with the Foundation and to intensify the activities in the field of historical education. The direct objective of the project is to create an educational space - tourism, which attracts around in tourists from other regions (including overseas fans militarization). Thanks to the support of the sub-region arise competitive products and significantly affect the quality of life of residents benefiting from the resulting infrastructure. Implementation of the entire project will give the matter his place of prominence and consolidation of public awareness in relation to the protection of exceptionally valuable monuments military. Conducting cultural and historical education can help in obtaining the conviction that every human being affects their behavior and builds historical heritage inhabitants of this region.

It is designed by Excite Polonia Foundation which was part of the private collection started building a collection of military vehicles (in subsequent years expanded by armored vehicles and artillery). The Foundation was established in early 2014 to secure the objects of the former military units which underwent after the liquidation of the devastation and the search and the renovation of historical exhibits from the time I and World War II. The Foundation has set up a museum that took in the collection of exhibits related to regional history and the military. In parallel, carries out activities to popularize the history and integrate the local community - organizes exhibitions, meetings of military enthusiasts, history, travelers and working to promote areas of the municipality white (including its natural values.)

The most important investment activities related to the preparation of a new tourist offer based on historical components will be:

  1. Construction of tourist - camping site (access roads, fencing, tourist attractions etc.).
  2. The transformation of the pond in the swimming pool, in winter pond will be served ice-skating rink.
  3. The website, marking the tourist route linking the Museums that trip, access to the Internet.
  4. Prepare capabilities of rides historical military equipment.
  5. Site preparation and purchase of equipment for paintball.
  6. Creating a shooting gallery.
  7. Adjustment object and the environment for the disabled, facilities for families and the elderly.
  8. outdoor gym.
  9. Project documentation (feasibility study).

Thanks to the project people with disabilities, which were previously excluded will be able to take advantage of infrastructure resources. As part of activities directed to the above. Groups anticipate preparation of special camping sites dedicated parking spaces and appropriate ramps at the shooting range. Work in this area will be also focused on the removal of barriers in existing facilities.

To increase the scope of the project the Foundation intends to raise tourists from abroad by preparing information for proposals on the website (min. in terms of programming prepared together with cooperators) also in foreign languages ​​(English, German, which significantly increase the scope of the project. thanks to proper preparation of the infrastructure will be able to organize international cyclical events of a historical course using the natural values ​​of the region.

The main objective of the project is to increase the tourist attractiveness of the municipality of Bielany through development of tourism - recreation based on historical potential associated with the Foundation and to intensify the activities in the field of historical education. The direct objective of the project is to create an educational space - tourism, which attracts around in tourists from other regions (including overseas fans militarization). Thanks to the support of the sub-region arise competitive products and significantly affect the quality of life of residents benefiting from the resulting infrastructure. Implementation of the entire project will give the matter the place, its prominence and consolidation of public awareness in relation to the protection of exceptionally valuable monuments military. Conducting cultural and historical education can help in obtaining the conviction that every human being affects their behavior and builds historical heritage inhabitants of this region.

The main objective will be realized by achieving specific investment objectives, which are:

  • To promote new tourism products in the region of a natural - historical. (historical attractions air surrounded by nature min. paintball, the organization staged maneuvers, stalking, access to swimming pools, ice rinks etc.);
  • The positive impact on physical health and quality of life of society in the region through the construction of tourist infrastructure - a recreation
  • Increase the number of tourists visiting the region, thereby increasing the number of jobs in the services provided to tourists
  • Improved economic attractiveness of the municipality of Bielany.

A comprehensive presentation of the tourist offer of the region with special emphasis on presenting the offer villages covered by the project will increase the number of tourists visiting the municipality of Bielany and all of California. The proposed solutions will help maintain the attractiveness of the offer throughout the year.

As a result of the Project should be achieved the following results:

  • for residents of the municipality: increasing the tourist attractiveness of the municipality of Bielany through the use of its natural values ​​and create a wide tourist offer consisting of new products
  • for public administration increased interest of tourists municipality Bielany contributing to the development of tourism in the region positively affecting the economic situation of the municipality at the same time increasing employment in the region.

The project will contribute to the achievement of the main objective of the Regional Operational Programme of the Mazowieckie, which is "to enhance the region's competitiveness and increasing social, economic and spatial province," the detailed ROP - "activation areas attractive for tourists," and Priority VI-use values natural and cultural resources for the development of tourism and recreation, which aims to increase the importance of tourism as a factor influencing socio-economic development of the region. Increasing the number of tourists-consumers, using the resources of the Museum will contribute to the activation and recovery county Sokolowski. It will be possible the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, mainly engaged in trade, manufacturing and services for tourists. The formation of new companies, increase investment in the region, improving the living conditions of the inhabitants will consequently increase the competitiveness of the district and province. We hope that with the increasing attractiveness of our offers above-mentioned rise. complementary products provided by companies.

The project will contribute to reducing disparities in socio-economic development of Mazovia as well as to increase the spatial cohesion of the region. According to statistics, almost half of all the hotels and sports and recreation facilities occurring in the province. Mazowieckie is located in Warsaw. Modern tourism and recreation base located in the district Sokołów, outside the Warsaw agglomeration, will change these trends. Implementation of the investment will raise the aesthetic value of the county, as well as attract tourists eager to visit Bielany. Will be increased in this way the tourist attractiveness of the region, which is the objective of 6.2 ROP 2007-2013 in which direct contribution to the project in question. Not without significance is the consistency of the region in the context of our efforts to promote the history of the Polish Army military and patriotic behavior to build awareness of citizens.

As a result of this project there is the so-called. synergistic effect. The program will consist of multiple benefits obtained by combining the expansion of tourism-recreation and the creation of additional services active tourism. The complexity of the project will create a service offer for users requiring a different standard. The added value of the project will be manifested in the development of other economic spheres, including okołoturystycznych services and recreational activities. The Foundation wants to create an offer that will be interesting for tourists of all ages and interests. The offer, which thanks portal tourist information and guides in three languages, will be directed to domestic and foreign tourists will increase the attractiveness of the whole region. The use of modern computer technology, as well as making available on the portal of acquainting themselves with all the attractions that await tourists will increase interest in the area covered by the project and will increase the number of visitors to the Municipality of Bielany. The project will be implemented in collaboration with invited cooperators, ie .: Armory Museum in Liwa, Mr. Maurice Zajac, owner of the Palace of Patrykozach, Municipality of Bielany, Retro Skibniew, Arms Museum and Consumer Technology in Kobylka. The result of the project will be to create a common programming based on key factors as they are natural, cultural and historical.

The project will have the following components of tourism:

  • swimming pool and an ice rink in winter - prepare a common guide
  • prepare a common portal
  • rides and other historic vehicles
  • the development of natural and historical trail
  • archery, paintball
  • common organization of picnics and festivals
  • Ticket joint offer cooperators

The above. the offer will be built based on the natural values ​​of the region, the most important of which include Nadbuzanski area national park formed in the lower reaches of the river Bug - including a fragment of the lower Narew and Liwiec and large areas of forest White Forest Forests and Forest Łochowskich Ceranowskich. In Nadbużańskim Nature Park is dominated by pine forests growing on poor, sandy habitat. Great more than 100 years old forests with soaring, tens of meters tall pines, present themselves very well. The undergrowth is dominated by often common juniper, while the fleece forests make up between other mosses and protected pitchfork. Lycopodium clavatum is most common, but not rare there are also stiff clubmoss, flattened and Wroniec. Nature park consists of about 1300 species, including 38 species of trees and 59 species of shrubs. There is here 60 protected species and 170 classified as rare in the country or region, for example. Willow breakfast, catchfly bisected, saxifrage three-toed, alfalfa kolczastostrąkowa and many others. It should be noted that this is an area specifically because falling under Natura 2000. These values ​​are integrated into the tourist offer (horse-drawn carriage tours, hiking and biking in the woods, etc.).

To summarize the main objective of the project is in line with the main objective of ROP: Improving the competitiveness of the region and enhancing social cohesion, economic and spatial province. The project will contribute to the implementation of the main ROP - will have a positive impact on economic development through: the formation and growth of local, regional and supra-cultural identity of the inhabitants province. as a factor zakorzeniający life activities residents, including professional and business in the region. This will be a new tourist offer that combines the advantages of anthropogenic (min. Militaristic historic objects) with the natural values ​​of the region (the preparation of an educational trail and to promote the Bug River