
The author of the project is to excite Polonia Foundation which was part of the private collection started building a collection of military vehicles (in subsequent years expanded by armored vehicles and artillery.)

The Foundation was established by the founder: Mariusz Murawski on 5 February 2014, notarial deed drawn up by a Notary Public Notary Office Replin Anna Anna Replin based in Sokolow Podlaski, ul. Curie 14 lok. 74, Repetitory A No. 323/2014 and a notarial deed annex to the establishment of the Foundation, Repetitory A No. 563/2014.

The Foundation operates under the Act of 6 April 1984. Foundations (Dz. U. of 1984., No. 21, poz.97 as amended.), the Act of 24 April 2003 on public benefit and volunteering (Dz. U. No. 96 item. 873, as amended. d.

The Foundation has legal personality and as the applicant is entitled to apply under this competition is apolitical and is not connected with any religion.

The Foundation was established in early 2014 to secure the objects of the former military units which underwent after the liquidation of the devastation and the search and the renovation of historical exhibits from the time I and World War II. The Foundation has set up a museum that took in the collection of exhibits related to regional history and the military. In parallel, carries out activities to popularize the history and integrate the local community - organizes exhibitions, meetings of military enthusiasts, history, travelers. Despite the short period of operation, the Foundation may boast in cooperation with the Polish Army Museum. Thanks to extensive resources Foundation has decided to promote the municipality Bielany and attract to the area a new group of tourists associated with the so-called. military tourism, which in Poland is at once more supporters from both home and abroad.

The Resource Foundation consists of military and military aviation documents for military equipment, photographs, and other documents and memorabilia related to military history. All exhibits were previously owned by Mr. Mariusz Murawski, who brought them to the resources of those institutions in order to promote its related activities.

In accordance with the statutory objectives for the tasks of the Foundation include efforts to:

  • improve the historical consciousness of society, educating the young generation in the spirit of patriotism, nurture and transmit to the young generation the history of independence
  • promote and develop the idea of ​​a free and solidary society,
  • the collection and protection of historical objects and archival resources
  • research, development and publishing documents, memoirs and testimonies and popularization, knowledge of history,
  • the collection and protection of monuments,
  • support the museum
  • support Podlaski Museum of Military Technology and Consumer Bielany mustache
  • promote the movement of collectors and rekonstruktorskiego
  • rescue and civil protection, fire protection and public order and security state
  • liquidation of consequences of natural disasters and other threats and help their victims.
  • raising environmental awareness and environmental attitudes of society by promoting the principles of sustainable development,
  • promote the natural values ​​of the region
  • recover and protect missing, hidden, stolen or abandoned monuments
  • assist other entities in the implementation of the statutory objectives of the Foundation
  • promote the Volunteer Fire Brigades.

Compatible museums:

  • Podlasie Museum of Military Technology and Consumer Bielany mustache
  • Polish Military Museum
  • Arms Museum and Consumer Technology in Kobylka
  • Armory Museum in Liwa.